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From a young age, art has been my life. It allows me to express the feelings and thoughts I can’t or don’t want to put into words. My life wouldn't be the same without it. I make art because I have to. In life, we experience a large amount of fragmentation of thought and feeling, but creating art enables me to make sense of the world. Art unifies what the world confuses and disregards. My artwork resonates with life as I live it; it is rooted in Apache culture: the beauty of nature, preservation of the environment and Apache Women.


I view my art as a way to pay tribute to people, land and animals. My art is a catalog of my personal struggles. It can preserve spiritual contact with the past while opening doors for the future. Music, love, loss and healing are main sources of inspiration. I make art to build bridges between myself and the rest of humanity


I combine mediums; I do not limit myself by medium but constantly experiment with acrylic, ink, markers, pencils, color pencils, and oil pastels. I challenge myself to consistently grow in different genres of art, similar to futurism, illustrator, graphic, graffiti, street art, 2D, expressionism, cubism, symbolism, pop art. While creating my work, I spend countless hours in error and experimentation, to a maddening degree, as well as moments of pure joy. My art reflects pieces of my heart, pieces of my soul, and the whole of my life.

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